13 December 2006

Friendster Blog

Hi everyone,recently I have updated my friendster blog so if you did not see my updated in here,it means I updated in my friendster blog.Thanks everyone for your understanding. You will see my friendster blog in "Other Website" in 'My Friendster blog'.

Hmm...yesterday our class R1 went for N.E tour at Simei near Expo,the new water factory after which we went to Raffles Place to sit the bumper boat after which we were dismissed.

After we were dismissed,Hazel,Wai Wai,Mary,Tine,Jia Jia and I walked to Clake Quey to take train to Harbour Front to go to Vivi City to watch movie,'Happy Feet'.I watched this 2 times le as last week,I watched with Priscillia and yesterday I watched with them.The show screen at 1.10pm and we went to have our lunch first after we bought our ticket.We eat at "Super Dog" and the service there is sucks...

There was long queue and there was only one counter open while we were having long queue. I then went to ask one of their staff and he told me that the time not yet up to open another counter.I went back to the queue and told Tine about it,I was so fed up with it.After we ordered our food,we went back to sit and I was not happy with it,I went up again to ask for feedback form and He directed me to his superviosr and I told him what actually happen and in return he told me that one of his staff was late and I told him that isn't there any one can take over it just to clear the queue.He told me that he will feedback to his manager.I then went back to my seat and had my lunch.

While eating,I was not so happy and after the lunch while waiting for Tine to finished her meal,I messsaged Tine that I will not go there anymore.Tine told me that she also.After that,we went to have our movie.

After which,Tine and I went back first and I reached home at about 4 plus and then supposed to meet 'daddy' but in the end,I did not as I have to accompany my mummy.

Yesterday night,I don't know what happen,I had a flu and to have medicine and went to sleep

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