31 December 2006

Thanksgiving Day pt 2

Thank God for Weijie as he is coming and he bringing a friend along.So happy can see him since we last mit in school.He only attended 2 weeks of class then he dropped out.Miting him at 5pm at Clementi,the bus 99 there.

After which,we took bus 14 to Haig Courts,where our Thanksgiving was holding.I mit weijie's friend,his name is call Xun Zheng and Weijie call him Zheng ge and I also call him Zheng ge. Haha...When we reached not long,Anni and Yilin came.

It's so fun over there.Almost all the sisters were present except Jocelyn,Joanne and Pauline. Around 7 plus in the evening,'daddy' came by cab with Noel and Noel went for his own Thanksgiving at Roland Restuarant.

Today,I was to present my testimony on How God has blessed me?I was so nervous but thank God as I was able to finish it.Thank Jun for helping me to print it out and edit for me.Thank God for putting me into this family where I can be own-self.

After the Thanksgiving,'daddy' and I went to meet Noel and his cell member,Joanthan.We took cab back home.Before we went to take cab,I went to withdraw money and when I was walking to the ATM machine,I called Weijie up and he asked me about tomorrow church,he wana go.Thank God.I reached home at about 12.10am.So 巧,we sat Weijie's father taxi and his father asked me to bring him to church.I told him that tomorrow,he is going and after that I alight the cab.

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