18 December 2006

Altar Call

This morning,I woke up at 6am.I was power man as yesterday,I slept at 5am.Then woke up after 1 hour of sleep.Haha...Thank God as I managed to wake up.After I woke up,I went to prepare and at 6.30am,I woke Poh Cheng and 'daddy' up.I called Poh Cheng and she woke up but as for 'daddy',I called like hell,he did not pick up.So sad... :-(

When I was in the train,'daddy' called me at around 7.30am and I asked him to go prepare and go church and I will be waiting for him there.During the praise song,Poh Cheng and I went up to dance and sing in front.Then my grandma called and I went off to answer the phone.During the worship time,Poh Cheng and I was at our seat.Finally,he reached when we were singing the worship song.Thank God for he is able to come and listen to God's word.

Today sermon was very short.The topic is "When The Holy Spirit Come In Power-The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit."(Jn7:37-39) :

3 Things that I need to receive it:

Jn7:37--'If anyone thirsts,let him come to Me and drink.'
-->If I am thirsty today,God will use me in this generation.

Jn7:38--'Whoever believe,out of his belly shall flow rivers of water.'

'If anyone thirst,let him come and drink'.

After the sermon,there is altar call and Poh Cheng and I went up and drink more of Him.

After the service ended,Poh Cheng,'daddy',Yilin and I went to have our lunch at foodcourt beside hall 5.After lunch,'daddy' went off first as he had to work,followed by Yilin and left we two,we walked to hall 8 and see of we were able to go in.In the end,we went in and went for their service.Today is their SOT graudation Day.When we walked in,I saw Ada.After that,Poh Cheng and I went out and saw Christelle and Mint queuing up for washroom and after that we walked to MRT station.Poh Cheng and Christelle took bus 12 back while Mint and I walked to MRT station and saw Sis Selena.We alight at City Hall and Sis Selena went to Tiong Pagar.

We went to have lunch as I just now ate abit of food.After that we walked to Marina Square,MS for shopping.About 2 hours later,Law came and we shopping together and had our dinner.I did not eat as I'm quite full.After that,we took shuttle bus back to City Hall MRT and I went home alone while Mint and Law wana walked more.

When I reached home,it's about 8.30pm and I went to rest on my bed after I had done everything.I rest and rest till I slept,actually I also don't know what time I slept.

At around 11 plus,'daddy' messaged me while I was sleeping.In the end,I did not meet him.

""Sorry 'daddy',I was very tired so I did not answer your call or return your sms.""

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