06 December 2006

At last,my Phrase Test has finished

This morning,I woke up at 7.30am but I rested on my bed awhile then prepared to go school.

While I was in the washroom,I had stomachache and having diahero and after that I finished bathing when I was about to leave my house,Almak again stomachache and went washroom again just before I stepped out of my house.

After which,I messaged Tine and informed her to tell Ms Chin that I will be late and having diahero.After which,Tine asked me is it that I was nervous as today I'm having Phrase Test, means that make up and wearing of office wear.In replied to her,I told her that since last Saturday,my diahero was on and off.

After which,I went to school after I had done.I reached school around 9 plus in the morning.At about 10.30am,I had my Phase Test and the duration was a few minutes.After which,I had my lunch and went to class Smart Room 4 for TKS lesson.

So happy for my friends,R1 as they had been selected to different companies which they went for interview last week.Tine,Bei Bei,Jiali,Hazel,Mary went to Istan and Wai Wai went to Win Tai.Hannah went to Mint Mart.

Haiz...Tks again E-tutor and again had to the stupid assignment and some can't open it up. So damn stupid...Later will be having test for TKS but nobody response to her as everyone was busy with their things.Hmm...I wonder whether later will be having test for TKS or tomorrow?

At around 11.50am,I knew the results that tomorrow having TKS skills at 8am-10am.The timing not confirm...

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