30 December 2006


This morning,I woke up at 7.30am.My grandma woke me up as I promised her that I will accompany her to see dentist.I bathed everything then go out with her,my aunt and my 2 cousins; Billy and Winston.

We took bus 900 to Interchange then changed to bus 858 to Yishun.We had our breakfast at Yishun,Chong Pang the market.After which,we went to see dentist and we have to wait about 2 hours so we went to walk around Chong Pang.

At about 10.30am,grandma,me and my 2 cousins went to MacDonald to rest while my aunt contiune to walk around the place.After that,we all rest at MacDonald.At about 11.20am,we walked to the dentist and not long,my grandma and aunt's turn.

After that,we took bus 858 to Interchange and my grandma and aunt took bus 900 back home while my 2 cousins and I went to Time Zone to play.At about 2 plus,we had our lunch after which we went down to play.After that we went to NTUC to buy panadol for aunt then walked back home.

At around 7pm,I went back home to Jurong.I took bus 900 to Interchange and transfered to bus 187.Reached home at around 9pm.Then unpacked my things and went down to Clementi to meet 'daddy' for supper and after his work,we went to IMM to wiait for Noel and went to have supper together.We went to Noel's house first as he need to bath and we mit Mei Xui and Kelvin and together we 5 of them went to have supper at opposite Sis Selena 's house.

We ate till around 2.30am then left the place.we took cab back home while 'daddy' walked back home.When I reached home,it's around 3am and online,play online game.At about 4am,I went to sleep.

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