17 December 2006

Hmm...later got service

This Photo taken from Zhong Yi at his blog.Sorry,I didn't ask your permission but this picture,I really would like to put in my blog.Hope you don't blame me from taking it without your permission.

This is my class R1,will miss them and our happy days together.
Everyone is in except Alpha and Me as Alpha went to Malaysia while I was in China.

Now it's already 1.15am and I still here not yet on my bed,Zzz...

Hmm...wondering what time will I Zzz...as now I don't wish to sleep.

Wow...three days going to expo since Friday evening,Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

Friday evening,taking my friends,Hazel and Zhong Yi going to the MOL,Saturday afternoon, going to serve the SPM(Special People Ministry),Sunday morning,going for service.

Hmm...Three weeks of holidays going to start liao.From 18 Dec '06 - 8 Jan '07. But will have to go school on 4 and 5 Jan '07 as of selling uniform,helping the Co-op.Can earn $$.Hehe...

Hmm...Wondering how am I supposed to spend my 3 weeks of holidays before my IAP starts. Hmm...maybe stay at home slack or going my grandma house to stay and relax my holiday?Or doing some volunter work or clearing my room before Christmas come?Hmm...What should I do???Wondering....wondering...

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