01 June 2006

Yesterday,I'm sick

Yesterday,I'm sick

Yesterday,my lesson started at 9am at ITE College West,Dover,where there was a talk by Principal so we have to reach there by 8.30am.After the talk,there will be buses transported us back to ITE Clementi.

Previous day which is Tuesday,I can't take it,I endured very hard as I was quiting smoking.. After which is Wednesday,I mit Hannah at the bus 99 and Kristine at bus 99 also.Hannah was at Jurong Point,the bus came while for Kristine we mit her at her bus stop and she boarded the bus but that's some delay so Hannah have to alight at my bus stop and we walked to Kristine bus stop.

Actually in the morning,while I woke up I was already not feeling well 了 so I took medicine before going down to meet Hannah.

During the talk,I was already feeling abit of sleepy but I did sleep and wake up.After the talk,the bus transported us back to ITE Clementi while we had break.During the break,I did not eat as no appieate to eat so I just bought a small packet of drink to drink and then lay down at the canteen table and slept.

After that,my classmates asked me to go back to classroom and slept.When I reached the classroom,I told Kristine that I'm feeling hot and she put her hand on my forehead and felt that I'm having fever.

After which,my class advisor,Mrs Ang came into the class and told me that tomorrow At 12pm,I have to go Community Works briefing.In the end,Kristine,Hannah told Mrs Ang that I'm not feeling well today so might not be able to go tomorrow.Mrs Ang then appointed Rubah to replace me.

Thank God as I feeling much better when I ate medcine and rest.

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