10 June 2006

Today events

Today Events

This morning,I woke up at 6.20am as I yesterday slept around 5 plus in the morning.I have to prepared my things and went to school.In between,I called my gap to wake up for her work.
During the lesson,I thought I could slept in class but I can't as on Wednesday,I was on MC so that's why I have to do my work and can't sleep... :( After the lesson,we went to have breakfast at the canteen.After that,we went to B6-0103 to the computer lab for typing our role-play and print it out.It ended at 12pm and we went to LT to wait for Hannah,Mary and Hazel as around 10.30am,they have to go to workshop.(Only few is selected).We waited till around 12.30pm then we set off to Hannah house.Ching Yi waited outside the bus-stop for us but Hannah did not tell us that Ching Yi is waiting outside for us.So in the end,we walked quickly to the bus-stop to meet Ching Yi.
We worked the project till around 4pm and we set off home.I went back home first to change my clothes and bath.Around 6 plus,Priscillia called and we both went to E392 cell group as to celebrate gap early birthday.Her birthday is on 12 June.
At around 8.30pm,Priscillia went off and left me there. After the cell group,we celebrated gap birthday and after that,I went home.
Before I went home,Sis selena talked to me and asked me to go back to CHC.I told her that I'm happy now at FCBC and told her that if there's any event in CHC,I will try my best to go back.
Today,I think I not going to sleep as have to do projects and my own work...Going to become 仙了.

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