13 June 2006

WOW....3 days,no blog !!!

3 days, no blogging

At last,I can blog le as recently I busy working on my SBM projects so no time writing blog.

This few days,so hertic and tired...Almost everyday,going to Hannah house doing projects..

On Sunday,I went to service and after service,I received message that saying that the projects have amends and I was like "What??Again??Thought yesterday,Saturday has done finished le?" At that moments,I felt that my stress all has come back and feeling giddy."

After the service,I took MRT back to Lakeside and mit Kristine to discuss about the projects..

Wow...felt like scolding ****####. So tired as also not enough sleep that few days...On friday till Sunday morning,I only slept 4 hours...Damn tired..

Praise God as at last it's settled le.How I know?Kristine messaged me and let me know but I no replied her as I felt alsleep le as very tired...No heard any sounds...Haha...Like dead lady sleeping..Wahaha...

Ok,come back to today,Damn tired and unhappy...Today,actually asked me bring laptop to school but I don't wana take as my shoulders is very pain as carried my laptop this few days...
So during the Co-op time,I went back to take my laptop with Kristine and went to Hannah house again...At around 1pm,I went off to put my laptop back home before going back to school with Kristine.

While waiting for the bus 99,It's already 1.50pm and we are late for the class at 2pm so we decided to take $2.40 back to school and Praise the Lord..Managed to reach school on time...

During the waiting time for $2.40,Kristine was like someone has pointed her laugh point,She laughed and laughed till I said U ok ma,u like someone has pointed ur laughing point.But she still contiuned to laugh....So funny mei???I wonder...

But after aboarding the $2.40,she was much better le.Seem like being cured...Wahaha...

Thank God...

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