14 June 2006

Test & Role-Play

Test & Role-Play

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and called Joy to wake up as she messaged me yesterday asking me to wake her up and also called my gap,but gap did not answered so intended to call her later.After which,I went to prepare.At around 7pm,I called gap but she no picked up the phone and later she messaged me saying she was woke up.

Today,there was SES(Service Skills) Progress Test.Before Mrs Wo came,I was sleeping as very tired as last night slept only 2 hours.Damn tired...

After which,test 了。Thank God,I was able to do as I did not study last night.LAZY la..haha,but got a few I not sure...but I try my best to do,eg:What is Telemarketing?,3 uses of Telemarketing?...

After lunch,it was EFC(Effective Communication),Oh dear..Role-Play and Ms Lim going to video us!!!We are the 1st group, but we have problems around that but in the end,we started the rolling ball...1st,it was Hazel and Mary which then followed by Kristine and me..So scared and nervous...In the end,managed to finish it..So happy and glad..

I wana thank God as you all know that last week,I can't talk but today,I managed to project my voice and even heard of the video,my voice was sore but thank God as my teacher said it's ok as my throat is bad at that time and now recovering..Thank God as putting so understanding teacher in my class...

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