08 June 2006

Thank God

Thank God

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and gave my gap morning call and started to prepare to go school.This morning,raining heavily...Kristine and I was late for class,reached about 8.10am...

After lunch,supposely today should have ROLE-PLAY but thank GOD,it had changed to next Tuesday and even the CTR progress test,it's also postpone...So good...Praise the Lord!! I didn't even study for the progress test and prepare the Role-play...

Suppose tomorrow there is also Role-play but it also change to next week..Thank God...
Next week schedule will be very hertic and tired..

During S.W,there was a practise of 2.4km,we ran 3 rounds around the carpark.As yesterday,my leg was injured and the last round,my knee started to be pain as the sweat of my leg rolling down to the injured part and it's very pain so I started to walk the whole run till my teacher asked me to run...

After school,I went to Jurong Point to get cake at Banglawang Solo as my mum have coupon...

After which,I took shuttle bus back home.When I reached,I went to 7-11 to buy Starfruit drinks as my room had no more 了.When I reached 7-11,my boss asked me whether I can help her to work as Imah is sick and most of my collegue is sick.

Today,I was so blessed and also tired,damn tired...

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