07 June 2006

No school again

No school again

Today,I did not go school as my throat is still in pain.As usual,I woke up at 6.30am and started to message my friend,Kristine telling her I'm not going to school today.After which I called my gap to ask her wake up.

I called her and to my surprise,I had no voice to speak up.Oh dear...I was panic and started to say to God: God,heal me..After which we put down the phone and after some times I messaged gap again to see whether if she has waken up and told her that I have no voice.

About 9.30am,I woke up and saw my message at my handphone.

It was my gap asking me what happen?and Joy.She blessed me with a prayer.

Thank sis.Thanks for your prayer everytime I'm sick or moody.You will pray for me no matter what had happen.You will pray for my protection when I'm settling things with my friends.You will pray for healing power upon me when I'm sick.You will pray....

Thank God for you.You really bring joy into my life.

Hoping that you will see this message.As in my heart,you really a nice and wonderful sis to me. Thank God for a sis like you blessed in my life.

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