21 June 2006

Out with Andy

Out With Andy

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am sharp and I went to prepare to go school.It's raining heavily when I'm awake.I called gap at 7am and then went to prepare my journey to school.Just as I was about to call gap at about 7.20am,Esther called and I asked her to call gap again as I had feeling that she will went off to bed again.True enough,She went back to sleep.

Thank God for blessing me a speedy recovery of fever.During SBM lesson which is after lunch,I felt that my whole body became warm and after SBM,I went to canteen with Kristine to buy things as I was feeling hungry.

During CTR lesson,I slept the whole 2 hours as Mrs Tay was doing role-play with others group.
Today lesson ended at 3pm as my lesson for SBM and CTR all moved up as today there was no Co-op period.

I went back home after the lesson and went to bath and mit Andy at Jurong East at about 5pm.

Andy went to IMM instead of Jurong East Enterinment so I took shuttle bus to IMM and mit him there.We went to the Kopitam to have our dinner.I ate Korean Food while Andy ate Chicken Rice.

After which,we went back to Jurong East Enterinment to watch movie,Garfield 2 at 7.45pm.
It was a nice and quite funny show.Those who have not yet watch,I prefer you go and watch and enjoy the show with laughter.

After watching the movie and arounnd 10pm,Andy and I went for a spin at his bike.We went to Holland Village to go for a walk and at there,Andy met his customers(Zouck customers).

We went to have supper at the Hawker Centre.We had the 'Hao Jian' and drank fresh starfruit drink with salt.After we had finished,we took his bike home and I reached home about 12.15am.

Had an enjoyable time with him...

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