25 June 2006

Go 2 service

Going for 2 Services today

This morning,I woke up at 7am and called Joy to wake up.After which,I went to bath and suddenly I stomache pain and stayed in washroom.

When I walked out of my house,it was about 8.05am and in the end,I was late for the sevice which started at 9am as I reached Expo hall 9 at about 9.20am.It was already worship time.

After the service,Jocelyn went back first as she needed to go to work and I went to foodcourt to had my breakfast and lunch and waited for Joanne as she wanted to go for 1.30pm and I accompany her.

After the afternoon service,Joanne and I went to foodcourt to have snack and after which I went back home.

I reached home about 7.30pm and had my dinner.I had BAK KU TEH for my dinner.It was delicious.My mummy prepared the dinner and smell yummy,yummy.

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