16 June 2006

So blessed to be in FCBC

So blessed to be in FCBC

I feel I wana be part of FCBC.I feel so blessed to have so many sisters caring one another. I still can remember how Joy invited me to FCBC.I still remember when I first mit Jun,Hmm...I should call her Sis Jun instead.That's was the 1st time(29/04/06),when Sis Jun told me that on 23/04/06,Joanne had accepted Jesus in her heart.

That was also the time when I wana quit smoking but it's hard.Till now,I still sometimes have the urge but controlling myself as I wana leave this bad habit away from my life.

I still remembered that I redelicated my life to Him was on Mother's Day,14/05/06. They congrate me and hug me.

Alot of memories now coming back to my brain...So wonderful and it also reminded me of the promises that God have in us,the purpose....

Thank God for bringing all His promises to me that say I'm not a failure,It's a steping stone that I must conquer it.I believe I can do it.No matter how negative words that other say,It will not bother in my heart and I shall contiune to move forward with a positive mindset.

Joy,this words is for you and hoping that you can see.

Sis,thanks for bringing me back to Him once again and feel His Love,Joy,Peace,Hope around me.
Thanks for your encouragement when I'm down or can't sort things out of it.
Thanks for your encouragement when I can't take it...( you know what I mean.)
You are just there for me whenever I need someone to be there although you can't come down.
Sis,just wana say A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU !!!!
I also wana thank God for bringing so many friends around me to encourage me,asking me not to give up.

Thank You Lord...Friends...

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