28 May 2008


Wednesday;28/05/08 :

Hey Hey Hey,today I woke up at 10am quite early hor esp. when ytd night,sleep quite late,around 3am.Haha...Haha...

When I woke up,I on the TV,channel 8 and the show is Singapore show,'AI ZAI XIN SHEN CHU'. The show ended at 11am and after that I went down to my house downstair to buy breakfast.Haha...11am,still consider breakfast?Hmm...wondering sia...

Then after I came back.I had my 'CAI TUO KUAI'.While eating,I watching my VCD,"DOU NIU,YAO BU YAO".

Now,I'm still watching VCD and writing blog at the same time.Wahaha... ( :

Today,I worked 3pm and so excited as today my huai ren coming down to pass me things but I'm so happy cos long time no see her liao.Haha...

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