24 May 2008

24 May'08-1 mth fr d incident

Hey hey,

Today is Saturday,24 May'08.1 month now after we break off.

From every night crying till now,it's seemed like it happened yesterday.

If he did not done things which make me wana break with him,I don't think I will break off with him.

Sometimes I talked to myself that does he worth my love?I wonder...

Till now,I still miss him alot.Sometimes I saw him in MSN,I unblock him wonder whether if he will MSN me anything.But in the end,I will be very sad to go to sleep cos he will never MSN mi...

When he offline,I will block him...Don't know why I still do this stupid things...Haiz...

Sometimes,I feel very useless...

But when I talked about GOD,I will be very happy and all the problems will be gone.It's like nothing in my mind making me very peaceful...

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