21 May 2008

MC today

Hey friends,

Today,I also having MC as doctor gave me 2 days...

Today,I woke up at around 11 plus in the morning and then prepared to go down to buy food to eat cos nothing to eat at home.Haiz...So sad sia...

Then around 12pm,I went down to 7-11 to buy food;sandwich and butter rolls.Then after which,I walked back home and then when I was downstair,I forgot to buy milk then go buy milk at Blk 442 then walked back home.

Reached home around 12.30pm.

Then I go and microwave the sandwich;called club sandwich,at 50sec.

After which,I ate in my room and after finished eating,I watched CHANNEL 8 and then here I am,writing blog...

Still having abit of fever but it's better than yesterday.Haha...

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