14 May 2008

Nvr Imagine...


Today,I worked at 11am cos got audit.When I'm doing my work,Steven's mum came down and we chatted.

She asked about Steven's saving and I told her that in the first place,I wanted to return to him but till he said this to my friend that I'm cheap,'Jian',I decided not to return to him.She said that his sis will talked to me.

I was wondering,why everytime he got problem,his family will help him solve it and not him solved by himself.He will pushed all to his sis...I don't know when will he grow up and solve things by himself...And he told me that he was stress and I don't feel that he is stress lol.Everything was planned by his family,where got stress???

He damn it lol...

Friends,I asked u all ah,if ur family planned everything for you nicely,will u stress??

To me,answer is no lol...

I even told his mum that when he is with me,he slept with other girl.To my surprised,she told me that they are playing.What the heck lol,sleeping together having sex,this also call playing...

What is this mum man...Really don't know what he said to his mum that his mum can said this to me...

In the end,my manager chased Steven's mum out as she has affected my emotions...

I felt that he has no guts to do,everything moved to his family to settle and he still can consider he is stress...

No guts...this is all I can say and this is now what I feel...

I believe God will take revenage for me...

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