19 May 2008

Having fever...

Today,I worked at 12pm till 11pm.

This afternoon,is not a busy day at work cos it's Public Holiday;VESAK DAY.

At around 1 plus in the afternoon,I called Poh Cheng and knew that she had called Steven and scolded him.No wonder,that day,he sms me la...
Anyway,sista,thanks for your help,it's no use lol...
No matter you wana go and find him and beat him up or scold him,it's already no use.ya...

Then I check all the price for the items and checked till the chocolate place,I stopped cos it's already 8 plus le and decided not to do le.

During the check,I keep running to the washroom and vomit cos out of a sudden,my throat very pain and no phelgm coming out.Haiz...So pain...

At around 9pm,I suddenly had a slight fever then after my work,I told my collegues,Auntie Lee,then she asked me where I have checked and tomorrow if possible,she can checked.

At around 11.30pm,I went back home and rested awhile,then had panadol and slept...

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