16 May 2008

Fuck off la

15.05.08 ; Thursday

Today,I working 3pm at 7-11 and today is damn heavy flow,I mean the items at 7-11...


This evening,I received sms from the fuck off mummy boi,asking why i tell others about our relationship and stop asking dem to come and scold him.He knows that is his fault and think he wants it..Damn lol...do this type of things oso think if he wants it...Damn stupid lol...

Then he sms me that he never told anyone about the reason why we break off and this is our relationship why must I let other people know...

Damn lol...If this is our relationship and we not together,why can't I tell ah?

You don't wana tell cos it's ur fault and not my fault so why should I scare of???

I don't need people to pity me or whatever...Just wana tell them we have break off and they asked about the reason and I should tell them why we break off...

Mummy boi,Steven,just to tell you that I wana forget you,JERK...

You everything listen to either ur mum or ur sis so you are called mummy boi...UNDERSTAND mummy boi...Every big things,always push to ur sis n mum....not a man,ur juz a kid to me....

So don't ever come and look for me,I won't scare you...

God will help me take revenge,this is what I believe...

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