01 June 2008


Hey today is 1 June 2008,Sunday,is my brother b'day and my cell leader's hubby b'day; Andrew.

This morning,I woke up at 7am and went to bath.After which,I went down to take train to Expo for service and meeting Pris at 7.45am at Expo station but I was late.In the end, meeting Pris at Bedok station,the 1st cabin and together we took train to Expo...

When meeting Pris,out of a sudden,my stomach in pain.When reaching Tenah Merah,my stomach even more in pain and then we walked quickly and plus running to Hall 9 then to Hall 10 where service started le...

After putting down my bag,I rushed to the ladies and thank God,after ladies,I'm much better...

After service,Joy,Pris and me went to Burger King to had our breakfast cum lunch and desgin b'day card for Andrew,daddy.

At around 1 plus 2,we set off from Expo to Haig Courts...We reached Haig Courts at around 4 plus 5 and celebrated Andrew b'day.

At around 5.45pm,we left the place and took cab back home coz brother b'day and celebrated his b'day by eating pizza...Haha...

Hey brother,Happy 18th Birthday to you.

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