08 June 2008

My Schedule from 09/06 - 15/06


09/06 ; Monday : 7am - 5pm

10/06 ; Tuesday : 3pm - 11pm

11/06 ; Wednesday : 7am - 3pm

12/06 ; Thursday : RD

13/06 ; Friday : 3pm - 11pm

14/06 ; Saturday : 3pm - 11pm

15/06 ; Sunday : 3pm - 11pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Alicia

A blessing from above...that you may continue to find favor in the eyes of Jesus. May you continue to be the channel of blessing to your family and friends around you.


"But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD." Genesis 6:8/NIV

Thought and prayer from Phil Ware at www.verseoftheday.com

Reminds me of what God told Jesus at his baptism -- "... in you I am well pleased!" Even in the middle of a culture steeped in sin in Noah's time, God could find the one heart loyal to him and use him and his family to be a blessing and provide the world a future. May we each be such a person in our day, in our job, in our school, in our neighborhood. Can you imagine the difference it would ultimately make if each of us decided to be a Noah?

Loving Shepherd and Holy God, please bless me as I seek to passionately live a life that pleases you and brings you joy. Please use me and my church family to make a difference in the world. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.