20 June 2008

Damn F**#%$^&@#$*&^%%$#%^^

Today is my rest day and thought can sleep very late but in the end woke up at 10.30am and saw my old cupboard being move into granny's room.Damn lol as I have not yet took out all lol. Imagine ytd worked 12 hours already damn tired le and early morning have to wake up and move things into my room...

Damn F*&^%$#&*^% lol...So angry!!!...

Morever my granny asked me to put inside plastic bags and move over.I told her no need le then she went to take paper bag and asked me to put inside and moved.I told her that all are my christian things and books inside,paper bags will torn.I repeated and repeated don't know how many times then she understand... WTF...

And here I am sweaty sweaty writing blog,have to go bath again and later again and later cupboard come again bath and packed things inside again bath...Haiz...imagine today don't know must bath how many times.... Damn *&^*%^...

Feel like wana scold granny but can't...Only can *&%^#&* here. Haha....

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