28 May 2008


Wednesday;28/05/08 :

Hey Hey Hey,today I woke up at 10am quite early hor esp. when ytd night,sleep quite late,around 3am.Haha...Haha...

When I woke up,I on the TV,channel 8 and the show is Singapore show,'AI ZAI XIN SHEN CHU'. The show ended at 11am and after that I went down to my house downstair to buy breakfast.Haha...11am,still consider breakfast?Hmm...wondering sia...

Then after I came back.I had my 'CAI TUO KUAI'.While eating,I watching my VCD,"DOU NIU,YAO BU YAO".

Now,I'm still watching VCD and writing blog at the same time.Wahaha... ( :

Today,I worked 3pm and so excited as today my huai ren coming down to pass me things but I'm so happy cos long time no see her liao.Haha...

Working from 1pm...

27/05/08;Tuesday :

Today,I worked at 1pm and almost forget it and almost late,sia.

When I was crossing the road,Monica called me and asked where am I?I told her that I was crossing the road.Haha...Thank God,I was on time,reached 7-11 at 12.55pm.Haha...

This evening,I did not have my dinner cos around 3 plus,Theresa passed me some salad and I ate it and after that I'm not hungry at all...so I did not have my dinner,yap...

Now,I'm back home,quite tired.

Hmm..wondering today what time I'm going to sleep???...

26 May 2008


25/05/08; Sunday :
This Sunday morning,I supposed to go for my CHOIR for my Church service but in the end,I did not go as I not feeling so well. At around 6am,I messaged Li min,Joy and "mummy" that I not going cos not feeling well. After messaged them I went back to sleep.
I woke up at around 10 plus in the morning and I went to toilet cos stomach-ache. At around 10.35am,I called Pris to wake her up and after which I went to prepare to go service as I feeling much better.
Thank God...
I miting Pris at 12.30pm at Expo but in the end I'm late due to the train going towards Jurong East,there's a jam.Haha...In the end,I reached Expo at 1pm. After which,we walked to Hall 5 ba,there's a food expo and we bought hotdogs to eat then after which we walked to Hall 9 for our 1.30pm svc.
After svc,we took train to Changi Airport and we both took the 'skytrain' to T3 and walked around but there's nothing much to walk. And we took 'skytrain' back to T2.
As we were hungry,we walked to T2,the MAC to had our meals...
Here is our meals menu:
Priscillia's meal.

My meal.

After we had our meals,we went to take bus 858 to Yishun,the NorthPoint to walk around...Haha..there's nothing to walk sia...then we took bus 956 to Woodlands Interchange and took our indivdiual bus back home.

When we took bus 956 to Woodlands Interchange,the bus got problem sia...Finally,we reached Woodlands,man.Had a hard time man as the bus keep stopping like no batt like that.Haha...

When I took bus 187 back,I alighted at Bukit Batok and walked to buy things and then proceeded to West Mall to find Calista and Jo is over there.Very surprising that Jo and Ivy went to FCBC but they went for Youth svc at 1.30pm but today,they did not went down cos Jo working and Ivy tired.

Hey Ivy,if next time,you wana go down,you may call me and we can go down together,ya...Haha...

I stayed there till their closing.Calista,Jo and I went to MAC to had meals then after which we proceeded to MRT station and took train back home.


Today,I working Day Shift which is 7am and I ended work at 4.30pm.After my work,I went home and took a small nap from 6.30pm to 8pm and after which I was in the living room accompany mummy to watch TV and then I back into my room and here I am typing blog.Haha...

24 May 2008

24 May'08-1 mth fr d incident

Hey hey,

Today is Saturday,24 May'08.1 month now after we break off.

From every night crying till now,it's seemed like it happened yesterday.

If he did not done things which make me wana break with him,I don't think I will break off with him.

Sometimes I talked to myself that does he worth my love?I wonder...

Till now,I still miss him alot.Sometimes I saw him in MSN,I unblock him wonder whether if he will MSN me anything.But in the end,I will be very sad to go to sleep cos he will never MSN mi...

When he offline,I will block him...Don't know why I still do this stupid things...Haiz...

Sometimes,I feel very useless...

But when I talked about GOD,I will be very happy and all the problems will be gone.It's like nothing in my mind making me very peaceful...

23 May 2008

Today my rest day

Today is my rest day,Friday,as yesterday I had choir practice at Parkway TC.

This afternoon,when I'm awake,my fever back again.Sianz....

Hate my fever.Up and down.

Suppose today going out to West Mall to buy polo shirts for this Sunday choir.


Then in the evening,meeting Pris but in the end,due to my fever,I not meeting her le.

Haiz...so today the whole day,staying at home resting,online,watching tv blar blar...

22 May 2008


Today,I woke up at 6.15am as I working at 7am.

Supposely I worked at 8am but last 2 days,I MC so I tried to work at 7am cos Theresa,my manager sms me yesterday telling me if I able to work 7am,then work at 7am.In return,I sms Theresa that I tried lol.

During my work,I cough almost like hell but it's better when I drink water and ate the Logenzes...


I today ended work at 3pm then I rushed back home and had some rest before going down to Parkway for the Choir Duty.Hmm...wondering I can help not since I'm now having sore throat and cough.Haha...

21 May 2008

High and Low

Hey friends,

My fever is high and low now.

This morning,my fever subsides,then in the afternoon,my fever up again.Then quickly eat medicine and had a nap.

Then during my nap,Ah Wen left me message in MSN and called my hp but I no reply cos I was a sleep.

Haha...Ah Wen,sorry lei cos I was alsleep and moreover I had not much voice.Haha...

My Breakfast pic...

Bought at BLK 442,the mama shop:

Twin pack at $3.45.
Bought at Blk 501,7-11:

Sunshine Butter Roll at $1.90.

Quick Bites
Club Sandwich at $3.30

MC today

Hey friends,

Today,I also having MC as doctor gave me 2 days...

Today,I woke up at around 11 plus in the morning and then prepared to go down to buy food to eat cos nothing to eat at home.Haiz...So sad sia...

Then around 12pm,I went down to 7-11 to buy food;sandwich and butter rolls.Then after which,I walked back home and then when I was downstair,I forgot to buy milk then go buy milk at Blk 442 then walked back home.

Reached home around 12.30pm.

Then I go and microwave the sandwich;called club sandwich,at 50sec.

After which,I ate in my room and after finished eating,I watched CHANNEL 8 and then here I am,writing blog...

Still having abit of fever but it's better than yesterday.Haha...

20 May 2008

My Medicine...

Bayan Clinic @ JW
Blk 502,Jurong West Ave 1,#01-817,S(640502)
Tel: 6899 1161
For Pain,Fever,Headache,Muscle Aches
Take 1 tab/s 3 times a day(Please take after food)

Flu/Blocked Nose/Running Nose
Take 1 tab/s 3 times a day.(May Cause Drowsiness)

Cough Syrup

Take 10ml/s 3 times a day(May Cause Drowsiness)

Suck 1 lozenge 8 hourly

No. JW016284

2 days mc,from 20/05/08-21/05/08

Offical Receipt (JW21058)

Ref 4531
Professional Fees -$20
Diclofenac(For Fever,Pain,Headache,Muscle Aches)-$3
Fedac Tablet(For Flu/Blocked Nose/Running Nose)-$3
Syrup Dhasedyl(For Cough)-$9
Mac-Extra Hexyresorcinol Loz(For Sore Throat)-$6

MC after I break off with him

Hey friends,

Thanks for all your care,I'm alright now,feeling much better after taking medicine.

Today,I woke up at around 9.45am,and at around 10am,I went down to BAYAN CLINIC to see doctor and there's alot of people and I waited around 2 hours and after seeing the doctor,I felt abit giddy and went back home straight.
After seeing the doctor,I messaged Theresa,my boss,that I'm having 2 days mc and will be back to work on Thursday.
Doctor said I had fever and throat infection.
When I home,I cooked maggie to eat cos there's nothing to eat at home.After eating Maggie,I ate my medicine and slept till now then woke up.
After sleeping,I felt much better le and now online writing my blog.Haha...

19 May 2008

Having fever...

Today,I worked at 12pm till 11pm.

This afternoon,is not a busy day at work cos it's Public Holiday;VESAK DAY.

At around 1 plus in the afternoon,I called Poh Cheng and knew that she had called Steven and scolded him.No wonder,that day,he sms me la...
Anyway,sista,thanks for your help,it's no use lol...
No matter you wana go and find him and beat him up or scold him,it's already no use.ya...

Then I check all the price for the items and checked till the chocolate place,I stopped cos it's already 8 plus le and decided not to do le.

During the check,I keep running to the washroom and vomit cos out of a sudden,my throat very pain and no phelgm coming out.Haiz...So pain...

At around 9pm,I suddenly had a slight fever then after my work,I told my collegues,Auntie Lee,then she asked me where I have checked and tomorrow if possible,she can checked.

At around 11.30pm,I went back home and rested awhile,then had panadol and slept...

18 May 2008

Photos on the way...

This is the wallet I bought at FOX.

The tag beside it.

The ticket of MADE of HONOUR.


The wording writes:

He'll do anything to get the groom out of the picture.

Hey Hey...

Today,I working 7am and I woke up at 5.45am and went to bath.

Ytd,I slept quite early but in the middle of the night,don't know what happen to me,I actually cried and cried till I slept...

Today,I worked till 3pm and went off at around 3.30pm and went back home and had a bath before I went out to meet Pris...

I mit her at Jurong East Popular entrance at 4.30pm and then we had our dinner.After which,we walked into a shop called "FOX" and Pris bought a belt at $19 while I bought a wallet at $4.Then we had nothing to walk at IMM,we went back to Jurong East Enteriment...

We walked to level 3 and supposed wana play K-pool but its so ex then we decided to watch movie at SHAW THEATRE.

We watched this movie called " MADE OF HONOUR" at 7.20pm.We seated at E 5 and E6.Pris sat at E5 while I sat at E6.After finished the show,wow lau,the chair made mi and Pris backache ah...

The show is quite nice to watch but the chair made us miserable man...

Photo will updated later,ya...

After the show,I saw Esther and she called me and asked me wana join her and Micheal at K-Box,I didn't accept their offer and we walked round Jurong East then at around 10pm,Pris wana go back home.

Then we walked to the Bus-Interchange and waited for her bus 197,then I took bus 335 back home.

I reached home at around 10.30pm...

17 May 2008



This song,since I left him,I keep listening to it...

For the 1st week,I listen to it,I cried every night.

For the 2nd week,I listen to it,I cried lesser and lesser.

For the 3rd week,I listen to it,I miss his smile and laughter.

Now,the 4th week,I listen to it,I miss him alot.

Na Li You Cai Hong Gao Su Wo

Neng Bu Neng Ba Wo De Yuan Wang Huan Gei Wo

Wei She Me Tian Zhe Me An Jing

Sou You De Yun Dou Pao Dao Wo Zhe Li

You Mei You Kou Zhao Yi Ge Gei Wo

Shi Huai Shou Le Tai Duo Jiu Cheng Zhen Bu Liao

Ye Xu Shi Jie Shi Yi Zhong Jie Yao

Ye Shi Wo Xian Zai Zheng Fu Xia De Du Yao

Kan Bu Jian Ni De Xiao, Wo Zhe Me Shui De Zhao

Ni De Shen Ying Zhe Me Jing, Wo Que Bao Bu Dao

Mei You Di Qiu, Tai Yang Hai Shi Hui Rao

Mei You Li You, Wo Ye Neng Zi Ji Zou

Ni Yao Li Kai, Wo Zhi Dao Hen Jian Dan

Ni Shuo Yi Lai, Shi Wo Men De Zui Ai

Jiu Suan Fang Kai, Dan Neng Bu Neng Bie Mo Shou Wo De Ai

Dang Zuo Wo Zui Hou Cai Ming Bai

English Verse:

Tell me where the rainbow is?

Could you still give me back my wish?

Why is the sky so silent?

All the clouds are running to me.

Is there a mask for me?

Recalling too much of the past words can accomplish nothing

Perhaps time is a kind of antidote

And also the first poison I'm taking now.

I could not see your smile, How can I sleep well?

Your silhouette is so close to me, yet I could not embrace it.

Without earth, the sun can still circle around.

Without reasons, I also can walk alone.

You want to go away, I know that is very easy.

You said dependence is our obstacle.

Even if we break up, but couldn't you not receive my love.

Assuming I'm the last to understand.

My Thoughts...

Hey friends,

As you all know that today I off and I had been a good girl,staying at home all day...

Suppose this evening wana go out but mummy wana me to stay at home and acompany her.

Then at around 7pm,mummy went downstair and drink with my uncle.Haiz...asking me to stay home,in the end,she went out.Sian...

Then the whole room,left only me...So bored and nothing to do...

Around 6pm,I on my hp and listen to song and heard this song "Cai Hong" by Jay Zhou.

When I heard this song,I began to remember him and don't know why had so many good and memorable memories no matter where it is,either his house or my house or even outside.Had too many memories with him.

1 year 2 months together,I had a lot of fun with him and laughter along the way.

Don't really know why he wana do this thing to me?Why must he wana hurt me so deeply till I can't really breathe?What he had promise and said to me,is it a lie?or truth?

No matter what,it has been gone and gone forever...

When his mum that day came down to 7-11 and said those words,it had already hurt me alot and make me wana forget you as fast as possible and lead my own life...

I don't wish to let all my friends to worry about me and I tried to be strong outside but emotionlly,I'm not.I don't mind tell you the truth as I really can't forget him and trying my best to forget him.It's damn hard as all are good memories and seldom bad memories...

He will always be there for me to joke me aroung when I'm not happy or sick...Now,I'm really not feeling so well and my mind is all him...Haiz..Who can help me???

Steven,this word is for you,I don't know if you are able to see it not but no matter what,I just wana tell you that:

You really are mama boi as you always listen to them and don't have your own thinking.They wana you to do this,you do this...they wana you to do that,you will do that...

You wana what,I give you what.You said you don't have much shirt on your own,mostly are your brother want,then I tried to buy shirts for you and it's really cost me a bomb but I don't mind...

But now,you have hurt me so deeply and also the wedding photo,you asked me to let your SIS know how I going to pay you?What does it mean?I did paid,k?

And tell you the truth that Wedding photo should be a guy paying off ALL and girls should not pay for it?But I don't mind paying some with you but what you wana is the $$ that you paid.

Hey,it's not fair at all...I'm trying to help you abit and when we break,you actually did this to me...I'm so hurt and angry..

When you make me angry,you will always use you attack to make me soft and forgive you and you will always say this words: "What you wana me to do?"

Now thinking back,I felt that you are still a kid and mama boi.I don't care if you are angry or what.Just wana tell you that you are still a mama boi and sista boi which will always lead by them...

Steven,no matter what,I felt that there is no remorse in you.

And also Amelyn,this is our matter and you can't expect me to be like you Elvin,can forgive you of what you have done to him,I can't...And don't tell me what I should do?I tell you no matter what your thinking is still like a kid to me...I don't scare you de...Even you come down and find me.

I know you and steven in the past but I don't know when I'm with him,did you two do not?If he can find other girls,I'm sure he did find you...

You both can flirt around,go ahead...I don't care much...Since you said that his sis asked you to take care of him..I don't know how you going to take care of him...maybe by....you should know...

And James,you are my brother and you have hurt me also that I find myself stupid to believe you.And you have no remorse also that you wana said sorry to me.

You all go and think what you all have done to me is wrong or right...

And Steven,I can tell you that you with them,you not going to think of what you done is really really wrong cos they will said all the bad words about me...This is what I can said...

And good-bye to this relationship and no more contact again....


Today is Saturday,17.05.08,is my off day.

Supposed today meeting Tine for deasert but Tine told me that she is tired and meet another day then I said ok lol.

After which,I went back to sleep then wake up at around 12.30pm then start to write my blog...

Hmm...Today,should I go out ot stay home???Hmm...Hmm...Hmm...



Today is Friday and I working at 3pm.

I had my dinner at around 8pm and when I went to bought dinner,I saw Alan and chat with him awhile after that meeting him at 11 plus for coffee...

At around 11.30pm,I ended my work and we went to BLK 501 which is next door to 7-11,the coffeeshop to drink.

We ordered 1 bottle of Carlsberg at $5.50 and Alan paid for it.Thanks Alan for the drink...

At around 11.32pm,I called Karin and supposed to ask her out for a drink but she did not answer the call.Haiz...In the end,only me and Alan at the coffeeshop drinking.

After we drank 1 bottle,we went to buy food for myself,"XIAO WAN MIAN".After which,we went to 7-11 and we bought some food and then we went back home.

P/S: Alan thanks for the night and the chat that we having...


16 May 2008

Fuck off la

15.05.08 ; Thursday

Today,I working 3pm at 7-11 and today is damn heavy flow,I mean the items at 7-11...


This evening,I received sms from the fuck off mummy boi,asking why i tell others about our relationship and stop asking dem to come and scold him.He knows that is his fault and think he wants it..Damn lol...do this type of things oso think if he wants it...Damn stupid lol...

Then he sms me that he never told anyone about the reason why we break off and this is our relationship why must I let other people know...

Damn lol...If this is our relationship and we not together,why can't I tell ah?

You don't wana tell cos it's ur fault and not my fault so why should I scare of???

I don't need people to pity me or whatever...Just wana tell them we have break off and they asked about the reason and I should tell them why we break off...

Mummy boi,Steven,just to tell you that I wana forget you,JERK...

You everything listen to either ur mum or ur sis so you are called mummy boi...UNDERSTAND mummy boi...Every big things,always push to ur sis n mum....not a man,ur juz a kid to me....

So don't ever come and look for me,I won't scare you...

God will help me take revenge,this is what I believe...

14 May 2008

Nvr Imagine...


Today,I worked at 11am cos got audit.When I'm doing my work,Steven's mum came down and we chatted.

She asked about Steven's saving and I told her that in the first place,I wanted to return to him but till he said this to my friend that I'm cheap,'Jian',I decided not to return to him.She said that his sis will talked to me.

I was wondering,why everytime he got problem,his family will help him solve it and not him solved by himself.He will pushed all to his sis...I don't know when will he grow up and solve things by himself...And he told me that he was stress and I don't feel that he is stress lol.Everything was planned by his family,where got stress???

He damn it lol...

Friends,I asked u all ah,if ur family planned everything for you nicely,will u stress??

To me,answer is no lol...

I even told his mum that when he is with me,he slept with other girl.To my surprised,she told me that they are playing.What the heck lol,sleeping together having sex,this also call playing...

What is this mum man...Really don't know what he said to his mum that his mum can said this to me...

In the end,my manager chased Steven's mum out as she has affected my emotions...

I felt that he has no guts to do,everything moved to his family to settle and he still can consider he is stress...

No guts...this is all I can say and this is now what I feel...

I believe God will take revenage for me...

09 May 2008


Today,I worked in the morning at 7am and I woke up at 6.30am.Oops...

I'm late for work.

I quickly called Kelvin that I will be late but thank God,I reached 7-11 at 6.50am...

No late...Haha...

Today,I worked in the morning and alot of customers asked me that I'm back to 7-11 and worked le ah,ten I told them,Yes and most of the time,I worked in the afternoon.

Haiz...In the morning,customer asked me about I coming back to work,in the afternoon,customer asked me about my boyfriend and me.Haiz...

Like that how to forget him and how to proceed me life on...Sianz

This is Theresa give me,can't rem when liao.

Winnie the Pooh beside the Pepsi

This is my granny gave me put in my room,near the window...Lavender,my fav..

Today in the evening,I meet Steven to pass him his personal things then I asked Esther to accompany me.

Esther,thanks for accompany me.

After meeting him,I felt so sad and walked very fast and smoke a few cig...I don't know why I had this feeling,maybe my heart still have him inside...I don't know why,so don't ask me.

Feeling sad...

While I almost dropping down my stop,I saw James,Amelyn and Long then I quickly dropped down the stop and no turning back anymore...

I reached home at around 8pm and went into my room and watched TV.

Finally 10pm show,I can watched le cos I everyday worked in the afternoon so can't really watched this show,"Healing Hands".One of my fav. show,ya... ;p

Healing Hands at Channel U at 10pm.

Hmm...wondering today what time I will be sleeping???

07 May 2008

Buy magazines and CJ7 at 7-11

CJ7 @ $2.90

Old $10...pictures

My Day


This morning at around 9am,Monica called me but I did not answer the phone as I was still sleeping cos yesterday I slept at 6am in the morning.

But at 10am,I woke up and called Monica and she asked me to go work at 1pm.

Wow...Inmage I slept for 4 hours only sia...

At around 11 plus,Steven sms me regarding about the wedding photo that do I still wana the photo not else he going to cancel today..

I didn't return his sms cos I felt that he very funny.He told me that he not ready for the wedding and now asking me about I wana the photo not.I wana the photo for what?For memories?No way,man...

I wana quickly forget him and goes on my life,I don't wana any regrets cos I already regret for the choice I made...

During my break,I called Yilin and we chatted while I having my dinner at around 7.30pm.

After my work,I saw Lim drinking over there and I joined him but I didn't drink cos I don't feel like wana drink...

I stayed there from 11.30pm till 1am and he sent me to the traffic light and separtely we walked.

And here I am writing this blog...

Today,I smoke 7 cig...


Friends,if now got anything concern about Steven,you don't need to tell me cos I don't wana know anything about him and I wana my life to go on like last time before I went with him,ya...

Now finding my life back...When can I find it back???And will it be the same as before?

My heart is hurt deeply and now smoke like nobody business...Don't know when can I get back my life,my laughter,my soul and my heart...

05 May 2008

My Tigger hp pouch

Tigger with price-$3.90
My Tigger hp pouch

After my work at 11.30pm,I bought hp pouch which is Tigger at $3.90 at 7-11.And I spent $10.15 together as of drinks and food.

Today,I good gal,ya.I smoke 2 cig of the day,sia...

Am I good gal???

Haha... :p


Today is Monday,05/05/08.I woke up at 10am and watched ch 8 Singapore show.

At 11am,I watched ch 8 Singapore show also.

At 12pm,I watched vcd which I bought at TS at BUGIS.
The show title is "ANGELS OF MISSION".

I later at 1.30pm,I will need to go bath and then after that go work.

Today,I worked at 3pm till don't know what time.Haha...

04 May 2008

Photo taking...(Shopping at City Hall,Plaza Sing & Orchard)




2 FOR $8


NECKLACE ($8.90)


WORDING: " Now right,it shines the most.

A lovely angel delivers happy time.

The time of healing to all the people."


Going Svc and shopping...

This morning,I automatically woke up at 7.10am when yesterday I ended work at 12am and slept at 4am.

After I woke up,I went to bath and out I go to take MRT to Expo.When I was in the train,I out of a sudden,think of him cos whenever I go to Expo,he will be there accompany me.

Hey friends,sorry sorry,don worry,I'm fine and I know that we have already ended le...

I reached Expo at 9.10am and walked faster abit to Hall 9 and reached Hall 9 at 9.15am.

Mummy didn't come for service cos she not feeling well which I heard from Andrew.After that,I went to washroom and called Joy and Poh Cheng but they didn't answer.Haiz...I alone in the service.

Before the service started,I sms Pris that we meet early,is it k with her.During the service,Pris sms me and said k.

After the service,I told Andrew that I leave first then he wana sent me to nearest MRT but I said no need then I went off.

I walked to MRT station and took the train to City Hall and I reached early at 12pm and sms Pris and she not yet arrived and I walked to CAPITOL and looked at the CD at Garmophoy.

Before I walked into the shop,I smoked 1 cig cos I can't take it.After that,I walked into the shop and walked walked.When I walked out the shop,the alarm rang and I was shocked and the sale assistant asked me few question and I left the place w/o bag checking.

When I left the place,Pris called me and said that she reached and I went to meet her at City Hall Control.After that,we walked to City Link and at Giordano,we stopped and I bought 2 polo shirt at 2 for $30.After that,Pris suggested that we went to Marina Square but I told her can don't go Marina not cos I don't wish to walk there,alot of memories.

So we went to Suntec and walked walked.We went to watch movie at Eng Wah Cinema at Suntec and we both registered the membership and we watched 'IRONMAN',quite a nice movie.

After the show,we went to Arcade to play and I spent $5 over there.

After that we went into Mini Toons and bought voopoo and I bought this voodoo called 'Super Idol,ladies at $6.95.

After which,we walked to Plaza Sing to have our dinner at KFC and we stayed there around 1 hour and we left the place of KFC and when we walked to the washroom,I saw Charise at the BODY SHOP and we chatted awhile then I went to washroom.

After washroom,we went down to Basement 2,the TS shop and I bought some vcd.After which,we walked to 77th Street and ACTION CITY and looked around.At 77th Street,I bought things and at Action City,we just browse around.After which,we walked to Daiso and I bought some things over there.

After walking around,we walked to Orchard for just walking around.When we walked around,I saw Jasper and we chatted awhile then we contuine walked around at Orchard.

At around 9.30pm,I decided to back home and I took bus 502 while Pris took bus 7 back home.

I reached home at around 11.30pm.

Photo will upated later...

03 May 2008


After chatting with my leader,I had peace in my heart.

Fellow sista,sry for the worry about me and not answering or replying your message...

These past 1 week,I'm feeling very down but after the talk with my leader,I really feeling much much better.

'Mummy',don't worry,I will be strong and trying my best to forget him.

02 May 2008

2008 May 2nd

Sex and the City which I took at Wheelock...

2nd of May...

Today is the 2nd day of May.

In the morning,I went down to Corporation Place for interview at 11am.I reached the place at 10.45am and at about 11am,I had my interview till around 11.30am.

While it's still early as I mit Yiling and Eric at 12.30pm at Jurong East,I went to 7-11 to buy drinks and Theresa talked to me about further my studies till around 12.20pm then I saw my watch and called Yiling up and told her that I will be late.

I took cab down to Jurong East and while walking to MRT station,I saw Wai Wai and Hazel...

After which,I waited for the bus.While waiting for the bus,I called Yiling up and asked about going massage at Chinatown.After the massage,we went to OG as Yiling wana buy watch from Adeline...

After that,Yiling and Eric went to Toa Payoh Hub while I went to Orchard to meet my friend. While I at Orchard Control,I saw Tine.Haha...Damn 'Qiao'...

After that,while waiting for my friend,I went to Far East Plaza to take my order as yesterday I ordered a NECK TIE from 77th Street.

When my friend came,we went again to Far East Plaza to walk walk.At around 7.30pm,I left the place and took bus back home.

At around 11.10pm,I called my leader up and we chatted till around 2.30am in the morning.

01 May 2008

Photo on Labour Day

NYDC Cafe Restaurant
NYDC Serviette
Our Table Number 33 &
Number 34
Cookie Monster
Wai Wai & Cookie Monster
Mushroom soup ($5.00)
My Mushroom Ham Over-baked Rice Pasta($11.90)

Hazel 'When pig fly' Spaghetti ($15.50)
Sok Wai Hawalian Over-baked Rice Pasta($11.90)
Tine Hawailian Over-baked Rice Pasta($11.90)

While waiting for MUD PIE to come,we took pictures...

Tine & me...Erm...Tine's hand being eat up by Cookie Monster...

Wai Wai & Hazel...Wai Wai strangling Cookie Monster...Sad Sad...

Wai Wai and me

Wai Wai,wat u lookin at?
Yeah!!!Mud-pie coming and only Wai Wai,Hazel & Tine ate mud pie...
Cookie Monster Mud Pie w Nutty Nougat with ice-cream on top($10.95+3.00)

Fighting for Mud-Pie
Oh No...Mud Pie falling down...




My NEW WHITE WATCH cost $12...Nice ??? I love this watch very much...

After buying my watch at BUGIS STREET and also Tine's clothes,we moved forward to BUGIS and here we are at MOS BURGER.

During our stay at MOS BURGER,my fone rang and I went outside to chat.Oh,its my BMC friend,Shermaine called and we chatted.

During the chat,I went to rest-room cos my stomach in pain...


Wai Wai eating 'RICE FLAKE SHAKE' cost at $1.50
My 'APPLE SODA' cost at $1.85
My Dearest friends,Wai Wai and me...
Hmm...Wat's Hazel doing?Holding fries???Dipping into Chilli Sauce?
Tine,Wat u saying?Take picture,take picture...Haha...