29 September 2005

Writing @ J.E

Writing my Blog @ J.E
Wow...so long no write in here lol as recently my com dwn lol.Mi still the same,every nite crying. Feeling so Stress as O's coming nearer and nearer...Haiz,everyday,mummy still the same,NAG,NAG,NAG...almost going crazy.Now and then always go out to study with my dear Priscilla.Thx for her accompany otherwise i going crazy ah as my mum also nag whenever i'm at home.So nowadays,i always stay out very late then go home.Reach home almost in the middle of the night as don't wish to hear her nagging.
I want to thx my friend,Ching Yi from Ngee Ann Poly as she helpsme in my E-maths otherwise i wana give up de.She helps me by giving me free tuition.We known each other not very long and we met at Suntec Mac,she asked us to help her to do SURVEY,and she opt out the question if we need help in studies.So kind of her.
She helps me clear my doubts in my E-maths,and now starting to regain my confidence in maths...Pray that i will pass with good grade so that i won't dissappoint her. :-)
Today,i go school.Finally ah as about a week so,no go school wor...Today,i get back my E-maths paper for Prelim and i so happy as i finally in my life in BMC,i pass my maths paper,although i just pass by 2 marks,i still happy lol...Haha....Lalalala....
Tomorrow,meeting Ching Yi and Priscilla for Tuition...Haha... but stress again as going back to study but also happy as someone can clear more of my doubts in maths...HURRAY!!!

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