06 September 2005

Cinema Cinema


Today,i wake up @ 8.30am and turned on the com to start writing my blog down.Last night,ard 1am,my nose started to bleed and i as usually lifted up my head but it did not go off so i hold my breath and started to sms Mint to tell her wat am i suoppose to do as it's bleed non-stop.After a while,i tried to use tissue to put into my nose and lifted up my head see wether the blood will go off.But it didn't.So i went to the washroom to wash my nose with water at last...it stopped bleeding but i can't breath as the water was insid emy nose.Oh dear!I had to breath through my mouth.After that,i sms Mint to tell her that the blood has stopped and what method i using...Can't Breath Method,this is my own method.Haha...

After a while,Mint sms me again asking me am i alright?I sms her back that i was not really alright as can't breath very diffcuilt to breath and sleep at the same time.

But don't know what time,i struggled till i sleep...

Hmm...Later on going to watch Movie with my darling friend,Peiling so i decided not to go skool as today lesson is quite bored...Haha...me naughty hor...I also know that...Haha...

Wow...Today the show is super nice..."Herbie:fully loaded",u all better go watch.Its such a nice show.I love the show very much ah....

After the show,my friend and i waited for her auntie as she wanted to go buy guitar. After we mit her,we went to Peace Centre to buy her guitar.While walking to Peace Centre,my mum called me and say my Nokia 6610i hp is here.She helped me register.I was so happy...Yeah...New handphone...

Later of the night when i reached home,i quickly stored all my friends number into the new handphone.I stored till 4 in the morning and the next day,i woke up @ 7am as i have to go school...Wow...3 hours of sleep sia.Will be very tired.

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