12 September 2005

So Tired Today

Tiring Day!!!
Today,i woke up at around 11.30am ba...Long hours of sleep sia...Almost half of my days were sleeping,haha...So tired as i worked from Wedenesday night to Sunday evening...5 days of countinueing of work...
Now,i feeling bored,nothing to do.Don't ask me to go study as whatever i study,it just don't get into my brain cells...Tomorrow is my start of prelim days and i still can day-dreaming here and can say nothing to do,bored...Haha...
Still wondering whether should i go for my E-Maths paper tomorrow as during Mid-year exam,i study so hard but still fail.IN my entire life,failed so badly,20%!!!U must be surprised,till now i still can't accept it.If i failed my Maths paper,i get the most is 40% plus but now this year.i get 20%...Wao Kao...
Feel whether am i really stupid or not fated to study more??I feeling vexed now...HAO FAN AH!!!!!!!!!I wana thanks to my friends who encouraged me,asking me not to give up.Thanks for your help.I'm grateful but just fated to be stupid la.

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