08 September 2005

Last minutes Work

Last Minute ,Go to Work
Yesterday,i went for my math lesson as long time no go for my math lesson lol. When i reached school,i did not immediately went up instead i messaged my friend so we can go up together.Our lesson started @ 8.30am but we go out 15 minutes later.
After we went to class,we took our maths notes and signed our attendance then we went off.The teacher saw us walking off,but did not said anything...We walked to the other class for Chinese as we both long time no go for Chinese. We stayed there for our Chinese lesson and it ended at 10.30am.After the lesson,i even told the teacher that i will be there tomorrow.
Around 5.40pm,Esther called me and asked me to go for dinner with her and Min.Around 7.20pm,my manager from 7-11 called and asked me to go work. Wow...again last minute called.Haha...Min and Esther told me not to go work as tomorow i'm having Chinese Spelling but i just go to work as the new staff don't know what to do.So i worked from 9pm till 11.30pm.
Before i went to work,i called my friends to help me take notes if there's any as i worked till quite late and tommorrow maybe not going to school.
During my work,my manager gave me towels and some disposable cameras and after my work,i have to bring back home.Wow...great can take pictures. Haha...Wow...long time no take pictures lol....
After i reached home,i stayed up to study my Chinese Spelling til quite late then this morning,i can't even open up my two tiring,sleepy eyes so i dozed off again.When i woke up,its already 11am lol.Wow...so late ah...

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