11 September 2005

A Long Day For Me

Damn tiring
Yesterday night,i did not sleep till around 5.45am then i dozed off to sleep. I was awoke the whole night searching for my bible HIGH and LOW as i couldn't remember where did i put it?Haha...and also thought what Sabie Msn me... I cried when i off the com with Sabie and called my gap...I couldn't sleep.
I woke up at 6am...Wao Kao...Onli few minutes of sleep...Today done quite stupid mistake when working...Haiz... :-( My manager even asked me what i did the night,no sleeping.I said i was looking for my bible as i can't remember where did i put it?She looked surprise as she said its HOLY BOOK,u can't anyhow put???
I told her that that time decided not to go back to CHURCH,so anyhow throw lol...
I ended work around 3.30pm and i went for cell group,i reached around 5pm. During the worship time,i cried again till i couldn't clean it off...After the cell group,i needed to go back to work again as no staff as one of the staff took MC.
After my work,i called Esther but she called me to call Shimin's hp as her hp is low coz she is at her hse...When i called shimin,she told me she is having headache and i was shocked and immediately asked her she got eat panadol. She said no panadol at home so i quickly turned my face to 7-11 to buy panadol and go down to her hse...
When i reached Shimin's hse,Esther opened the door for me.After awhile,Norvin,her god-bro came down by cab then we together took Shimin to see doctor near my hse.After seeing doctor,we went to eat as Shimin had not eaten and also she had to eat medicine.After eating,Shimin stayed at Esther hse,while i went back home and Norvin also went back home...
Pray that Shimin will be well soon!!!

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