01 September 2005

Teacher's Day Journey

Happy Teacher's Day!!!
Today is Teacher's Day Eve,31/08 and i woke up at 10am.After i woke up,i on the computer to play game,Maple Story but in the end,they are having maintence,so sian nothing to do...So i play Solitaire instead.After a while,Sis Selena online and i wished her Happy Teacher's Day on MSN.She replied me and even asked me to go back to church.I replied her maybe next Friday,i'm going back.Maybe only wor...But she replied how about this week and i replied this week i have to work on Friday,Saturday and Sunday...unless i'm sick...And later she no replied me.
I switched off the computer at 12pm and turned on the TV to watch show.As there's no interesting show,i kept tuning the channel till this particular show at Cinemax ,which interested me.I didn't know the name of the show but it's about children who have interllectually problem going to school in the school bus who got hijacked...It's a quite interesting show and mostly this type of show,i will watched no matter how late it's shown on TV or movies...Haha
After the show,it was 2pm.Jennifer,my friend called me and i asked her weather she wanted to go town with me to pass things to someone.She replied ok.So we mit 2.45pm at Blk 442,coffeeshop and then we went to take bus 502 to NTUC Union.When we reached the place,i asked the security which level is City Harvest Education Centre?He replied me 7th floor so Jennifer and i took the lift to 7th floor.When we reached the place,i asked Jennifer to wait for me outside and i walked in to the office and told the receptionist to pass the things to the teachers for Teacher's Day.She told me to put on the sofa afterward she will bring into the office.I thanked her and walked out.After that,we went to the nearest Kopitam to have our lunch,after our lunch we walked to Plaza Singapura,Carrefour as i wanted to buy my Condition as mine has finished.
While walking to Plaza Singapura,Jennifer's one of the contact lens dropped so we walked to the restroom first...After that we went to Carrefour to buy my Condition.
After finished buying,we took bus 147 opposite Plaza Singapura to Clementi then we changed to IMM shutter bus in to IMM and took again shutter bus to Jurong Point.But while travelling to Bukit Merah,we decided to change bus 198 to Jurong Point instead.
While travelling in the bus,there's this teenage girl around 18 or 19 years old sit behind Jennifer and me started to take out an orange small plastic bag and started to sniff.At first,we thought she wanted to vomit but in the end we realised that she was sniffing glue...I tried to bear with the smell but it was too heavy,after a while i took out a piece of paper and started to write i wanted to vomit and passed to Jennifer.She looked at the paper and said there's no place in the front but i said i wanted to vomit out.In the end,we moved out of the place.After a while,i started to have headache till now,while writting blog.
After we reached Jurong Point, we went to MacDonald to buy bugers then went to opposite Jurong Point the small park where there's playground and at the playground,there's swing.We played cards there first,after around 8 plus near to 9pm,the swing then nobody played.i walked to the swing and started to swing.Halfway through playing,i wanted to vomit so i stopped playing.
Around 10pm,we walked backed to Jurong Point and took bus 198 back home.
Now it's 12.20am,my headache is getting worse le...Oh dear,i even wanting to vomit ah...Help!!!

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