14 September 2005


Monday night,i cried as whatever i studied,it just can't get into my BRAIN CELL...I was so fed up and stressed up...I cried for an hour plus before i stopped completely...I even asked GOD,why u do this to me?Am i not ur daughter anymore?I questioned Him...OF COURSE...there's no answer to it...Am i stupid???I even asked myself this question???After i cried,i lied on my bed,closed my eyes and slept for awhile.Then i woke up and went to watch TV...I'm not going to study since it can't get into my BRAIN.I slept around 2 plus in the morning.
Today,i just went into my class with empty knowledge as i did not studied for it.
Today is E-Maths paper...I wanted to give up my paper 1 since i did not know how to do it but my friend who sit beside me,called Huiwen,encouraged me,asking me to try and try.At last,i can't try out le so i decided to hand in the paper 1 with 5 blanks...Paper 2,at least i can do some of the questions but i still left blanks in between.
After i finished my paper,i took train to WEST MALL as i mit my friend,Tiffany. While i was waiting for her,i mit JieYing as she was waiting for her friend...After i mit my friend,i took MRT back to Boon Lay and took bus 187 to 7-11 as i was to report at 7.30pm.
I worked till 11.30pm.When i reached home,i had a quick shower before i do my blog...

1 comment:

Sharine said...

dun cry le...know that our Father in heaven wastes no tears...