09 September 2005

Last minutes working again

Last Minutes
Yesterday nite,i slept around 3-4am as after my work,i have to go back to study my Chinese Spelling.In the end,i can't wake up for my lesson in the morning.I set my alarm @ 7am then i called my gap to wake up,after that i doze off to sleep.Around 7.30am,my mum came into my room to wake me up.I waked up and even sat on my bed.After my mum saw me woke up,she went off to work and i dozed of to bed again and not even waking up.Haha...
I slept till around 11am then i woke up from my sleep.I knew that's the end as i no go for my class...
Around 4pm,my manager called me and asked me to work as one of my collegues sick so i have to help him.He is my god-brother.He is having fever and today also Flow-thru...Oh dear!!!
Around 5 plus in the evening,Esther Msn me asking whether want to go for dinner and to surprise Min...So we met 6pm and decided to go down to surprise Min at her house but in the end,Esther messaged her that we are going down...No Surprise...Haiz...
At Min house,we had our dinner after that we went to her room to play cards for awhile before i went to work and she do her report...
We had a great time playing...After playing,i went to work and Min do her report...

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