10 September 2005

Going Church

Going Service
This morning,i couldn't woke up for my class.But i still go and i reached school 9am...Half-hour late...When i first step into the class,teacher said Wow..Alicia long time no see you coming for my lesson?I said working lol...can't wake up!!
After lesson,rushed to work as my manager had meeting at the headquarter.I reached at about 12.30pm and started my work till 7pm where Esther came and we go church together.
During the service,worshipping God,i cried...First time cry so like that...When we sang the song "HEARTS OF WORSHIP".All my memories came back to me when Sabrina,Isabel,Geraldine.Ivan,Nan Yen... we all in W192.How they encourage me,stay by my side,trusting each other,helping each other....All the funs,we had during our cell groups time...Esp.when Sis Selena give out the receipts of tithing,she will call Geraldine full name...and i will laugh inside my hearts but smile outside...All the laughters and their calls...All flashed in me...
Once,i felt love again but after the service,i'm back to reality...How i wish i'm not back in reality?
I still wonder,should i go back to His presence once again or should i left totally?Anyone can tell me?I'm lost and scare...Really don't know what path should i take?

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