04 September 2005

Cooking Breakfast for My Family And my Gap

As usual,i slept 3am in the morning,better than last night.Haha...I set my alarm @ 8am in the morning so that i can cook for my family and my gap.
Ring...Ring...Ring....My alarm rang and as usual,almost smashed it dwn the floor.But i did not do it as this alarm i love best...But i still went back to slp till 8.15am then i woke up from my bed and quickly wash-up.
After wash-up,i went to the market opposite my block to buy indigrents for my cooking.After buying finished,i went to 7-11 to inform my collegues abt this regular lady customer who always come dwn to buy paper to reserved for her.Unfortunately,my collegues doesn't knw,so i told her that later she will come and find her.
After i left 7-11,i went to find this regular lady customer as she works near my hse downstair book store.After explaining to her that today,i work afternoon shift,i went back home to prepare my foods.
After i finished my cooking,i sms my gap but she reply me that she has eaten.I was feeling sad but not angry.@ ard 2pm,i went to bath as later have to work.
After i finished bathing,i felt that...Oh dear,again not feeling well.But i still went to work as not enough staff.
When i reached 7-11,i bought panadol and eat it.Ard 9pm,i can't take it le...so i told my boss that i go see doctor.Always like that,Exam coming kenna sick...Haiz....What to do,this is my life...
Doctor gave me MC and said that i have THROAT VIRUS INFECTION...

1 comment:

Sharine said...

r u alright alicia? aiyoh always sick...will pray for u oh! take care!