05 September 2005

Today's Event

Today's Event

Today i woke up @ 10am.Oh dear,late for skool liao...Quickly,i go bath and dwn to skool...While walking to MRT station,i turned on the CD which i got yesterday from the Church and listened to it while i was smoking the way.that's one part which worship God,i suddenly wanting to quit smoking.I even threw away my cig to the rubbish bin.Haha...Never thought of that before...

When i reached skool,its 11.10am and i reached the classroom,teacher was not here yet.She came in @11.15am,5mins later than me.Haha...

This class is Principal Of Accounts(P.O.A).When the teacher passed me worksheet and asked us to do.I was the only one who stared at the celing or i just smile and smile as i can't speak much of my throat...

After the class,i still eat Mac no doubt of my throat as i was in craving of it. Haha...Then i went to Jurong East with Hui Wen to look for her boyfriend and then we daparted from there as i was going to Jurong Point to but battery at Pasar Malam...

After that,i went into Jurong Point to walk walk.I went into Life bookshop to buy something.Then i went to Sembawang CD shop to buy CDs...
After that,its already 5.20pm and i quickly walk to the path where chartered bus is...As the last bus is 5.30pm...So i was taking the last bus,it was full of people...When i reached home,it was already going to be 6pm lol...

When i reached home,i immediately turned on the com to write my blog.Haha...

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