04 October 2005

Juro Eastwriting blog during Lesson time

Skip Lesson
It's now 12.15pm.I skip lesson to come here to write my blog.Haha...So bored in class...
Last few nights,i can't sleep,thinking of my exs,the one who i went during Year 2003 when i'm in CHEC...I till now still can't forget him.In my whole life,till this age,i truely in love with 2 person,one is in Secondary,name Alan,the other is him le,Jack.
How i wish we never part.I regreted part with him as that time i have to choose between him and God.And in the end,i choose God instead of him.
Now,i really sorry,i want him back...I write letter to him but he no reply me. I still waiting for his call or mail.
How i wish he could call me now.
I cut my wrist last few night back,but nobody knows.only my classmates know and some of my friends know as they saw the plaster which i use. I very sad and don't know what to do?So in the end,i done silly things.Haha...now think of it,it's fun but pain la...Haha...

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