17 May 2006

Today,i have 5 hours of break

5 hours of break in school

This morning,i woke up at 6.30am and went to bath.Around 7am,i called my gap to wake up to went for her work.After calling my gap,i prepared to go school.

After i reached school,my class started from 8am-10am(Selling skills),at 9.45am,Mrs wo gave us 15 minutes break before our next lesson started.During our break,Mrs Diana Teo told us that our next lesson(Retail Operations)is cancelled as Mrs Ang went for courses.So around 10.30am, Kristine,Sok Wai,Sui Ling and i went back home.They came to my house and we watched VCD till around 2pm before we set to school.

We reached school around 2.30pm.After our class at 3pm till 5pm.I went back home after class today.Reached home at 5.30pm.

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