08 May 2006

A Day @ FCBC

A Day @ FCBC

This morning,i woke up at 6.50am.I had a bath & prepared to go FCBC for service.I mit my gap at Juro. East 1st cabin at 7.45am.We both went together to service but she went for CHC while i went to FCBC.

Today service is great as Pastor Eugene Seow talked abt Miracles.
3 things about miracles that happen in our life:
1)Available for God
-Always ready for god to use
-When i avail for god to use,He will make ordinary things to extrodinary or special things for us.
2)Attentive to the voice of God
-Ears must open up to the words of god
-Must be sentivitive or aware of God's spoken
-If i obey God's word,miracles will come
3)Must add on His belief
-Must do it if i wana miracles to happen
-God bring miracles to us when we have connection with Him

Miracles are to show who God is

The greatest miracle is to transform life.

Jesus Christ is the same today,yesterday and forever more.(Heb13:8)

The service ended at 10.45am.After the service,i sms my gap that my service has ended and asked her how is her service but she did not reply me.

After the service,Jun,Joy,Mandy,Yiling and i went to foyer for coffee and a short bible study.

Jun taught us how to recoginise God's calling?...etc

After the short bible studying,Jun needed to go back to TC while Joy have to go back and prepared for her mum birthday.Mandy and Yiling also went off while i stayed at the foyer waiting for my gap to finish her service.At 12.30pm,i saw that CHC people were out of the service and i started to sms my gap and even called her handphone but she neither reply nor answer my call.After awhile,i saw brother Victor and i called him and he smiled to me.After i greeted brother Victor,i saw Poh Cheng came out of the hall and i called her to ask where is my gap.She told me that one of the members have to baptise today and she went to support.

In the end,i went off with Poh Cheng to Bugis to have my lunch with her.After having lunch with her,she went back to her office while i went back home to have my medicine as suddenly not feeling so well and cough like hell...

After went back home,i ate my medicine and rested for awhile before going to Joy place to attend her mum birthday.The place was held at her sister house at Pasir Ris.

I went back home at 9pm after watching the "Wisely" show.Reached Boon Lay Mrt,and while i was in 187 bus,Joy called me and asked if i'm back home not.

After reaching my stop,i told Joy that i needed to go 7-11 to check my working schedule.She told me that i can check tommorrow but i told her that tommorrow i won't be able to see.

After checking the schedule,i went out to smoke my last cig. with my collegue and boss.

Reached home around 11.30pm.

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