10 May 2006

Looking at the website in FCBC

Website in FCBC

Looking at the website in FCBC,i saw this coloumn "Meet Jesus",i was so curious so i click on teh site to open the web and i saw the title "WHO IS JESUS" so i went to click it on and saw this message:

Jesus Christ is everything that you will ever need.
He is:
-your friend when you are lonely
-your strength when you are weak
-your physician when you are sick
-your provider when you have needs
-your breath of life when you are weary

He is all this and much more!

When god made the world,He make it perfect.You and i could have been living in blissful harmony in His presence.But because of sin(ie.a person rebelling against God),we are separted from Him.No amount of good works and religious piety can overcome this separation.God had to intervene by offering us His only Son,Jesus,to pay the price on our behalf.

The Bible tells us,'For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.'{Jn 3:16,NIV}.Imagine the love Jesus has for you when He left his position in Heaven to take the punishment meant for you and i.

You can be saved from the penalty of sin.Just understand what Jesus has done for us at the cross and you will be truly amazed at how much you are loved.

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