08 January 2007

Last Day of Service???

This morning,I woke up at 6.30am and went to prepare to go service and woke 'daddy',Yilin and Anni up.Miting 'daddy' at the Lakeside Mrt first cabin and travel to Expo.

Today,I was sick and having fever,heavy flu and sore throat.After the service,we went to Foyer 3 to have our bible study and Jun bought each of us a file and asked us to keep all the information or paper into it.Thanks Jun.At about 12pm,Anni went off first as she miting her family.After that,Jun prayed for us.

I wondered is it this week is my last day of service as next week,I'm going to work and can't always Sunday off.有点伤心,不社得!!! Feel sad,as every Sunday,can't always go service... :-( But I know trust God,He will make all my path straight.Amen!!!

At about 1.30pm,Jun gave me a ride in her brother-in-law,Pastor Patrick's car to Parkway Parade.After I had alighted,I waited for a short while,the bus 196 came and I boared it.At Bouna Viata,I dropped down and changed to bus 198 as miting "daddy' and Noel.We went to Noel's pastor house,Pastor Bernard,and he took desktop and we took cab home.

After that,Noel and 'daddy' came to my house and do printer.Thanks Noel...

After that,we went to have our dinner/supper.I reached home at about 12.30am.

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