15 January 2007

Afternoon shift

Today,I worked afternoon shift.I almost late for work even I woke up early.Haha...I took cab down and I asked the driver to drive faster,he like drove very slow lo.I almost like wana kill the driver but I did not.In the end,I reached Chinatown at 12.25pm.Almost late.Thank God.

Today,I worked till closing and I took bus 147 to Clementi and mit 'daddy' at Mac and we ate Mac and took bus 99 back home.I reached home at about 11.50pm.

Today,my day was quite good.Thank God for the blessing.Dear God,I pray that You will contiune to bless me during my work or even my attachment now.Lord,I pray that I will have a smooth attachment and pass with flying colours and glorify Your name with all the things that I do.I thank You,Lord.In Jesus name,i pray.

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