08 January 2007

Going to school for briefing of IAP

This morning,Joy called me at 8.30am and I went back to sleep and she called again at about 8.45am and I put down the phone with her and messaged her after which I went back to sleep again for about 2 minutes then woke up and called Jia Jia,Tine,Kris,Zhong Yi ...to wake up.

We had to report to school at 10am sharp and after I had prepared finished,it's already 9.30am and I called Tine and took cab with her to school and reached school at 9.50am and went to buy food to eat.Then we walked into LT,Lecture Thearte and the briefing started.

I was under Mrs Wo and my outlet is Giordano OG People's Park.Thank God,it is not Mrs Ang..
Otherwise,I don't think I will go to work,see her like see her black face.Mrs Wo had 13 students under her including me.Mrs Ang had 8 students under her and Mrs Tay had 7 students under her.Only Wai Wai was under Mrs Ang,others of us were either under Mrs Tay or Mrs Wo.

After the breifing,we went to CCK to watch movie.We watched 2pm show,the show called 'A night in the Meseum'.It was so funny that I laughed almost through out the show.I sat at B-6.

After the show,Hazel,Mary and I went to Junction 8 while others either went home or miting their friends.Hazel went there to return her RSH,Royal Sporting House's uniform while I supposed wanting to visit Sabie 's family before my IAP started but Sabie told me that nobody was at home as her parents working so in the end,I did not go.

While I was at Junction 8,the Giordano people from HR,Fiona,called me and told me that tomorrow I need not went to Paya Lebar as their Orientation is Wednesday,Thursday and Friday.Thank God, i had one more day of rest.Praise the Lord!!!After which,I was so happy,I messaged Jun and told her. :-) 展美主!!!

After Hazel returned her uniform,we took train to Dobhy Ghuat and went to Plaza Sing and walked around and at about 7 plus in the evening,'daddy' called and he came down to meet us and after that we took bus 174 back to Boon Lay and Hazel went home while Mary and I took bus 198 back home and 'daddy' went to meet Noel.

I reached home at about 11 plus.

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