22 January 2007


On Thursday,my shift was in the morning till 7pm.God has been good and blessed me always.

On Friday,my shift was full shift which means I worked from morning till closing.On Friday,I felt not feeling so well when I woke up.But I still had to work as today my teacher came down and see how I progress for my work.

Before my teacher came down,I had another good remarks from my customer and the customer told me to keep up my good work.After which,my teacher,Mrs Wo came down and talked to my in-charge and then me.I felt so blessed as my in-charge said that I had potiential in working and many more...I felt so blessed.

In the evening,'daddy' came down but I was busy serving customers so he went down to meet Amelyn and Elvin at P.S.After he went not long,Poh Cheng came down with her supervisor and we chatted awhile and I contiuned my work.

After my work,'daddy' came down and fetched me home as I was not feeling so well.When we were crossing the road to take bus,Yimin called and we mit her at 12am at J.P.

On Saturday,it was my rest day and I went to Jun's place for bible study at 4.30pm.Before bible study,Poh Cheng and I went early to Jun's place at 3pm as to do our cell blog and finally our cell blog is launched.So happy and thank God for it.

After the bible study,Poh Cheng and I went to had our dinner at Katong Shopping Centre,food court.After which,we walked to Parkway Parade and I took bus back home while Poh Cheng wana go to TC for a walk.When I reached Jurong,It was already 9pm and I went to see doctor and waited quite long.

After that 'daddy' came down while I was still waiting to see doctor and he accompanied me home.I had 2 days MC.Doctor said I had throat infection and gave me 2 days MC and asked me to drink more water or Istonic drink.

On Sunday,I supposed to wake up at 6.30am but I woke up at 7am and went for service even I not feeling so well.After the worship,I went to washroom and vomit.After the service,I called Giordano and said that I had 2 days MC and report to work on Tuesday.

On Monday,I rested the whole day at home.I called Giordano and asked about my schedule for tomorrow and my shift was morning till 7pm.

Dear friends,Do not worry,I'm feeling much better now compared to last Sunday.Thank God for speedy recovering.Lord,You are my healer.

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