29 September 2006

Totally Drain Out

Totally Drain Out

Today,I woke up at 8am as accomapnied my grandma to see doctor at Yishun.We set out of the house at 8.30am and took bus 900 and changed bus 858 to Yishun.We reached there around 9am and we walked to the market at Yishun as my grandma wana buy things at the market. After that,we went to see doctor and went back home.Before we went back home,we went to 888 Plaza,the NTUC,to buy things and took bus 900 back home.

When we reached home,it was around 11am.After which,I rested for awhile and prepared to go to work.

I took bus 900 to the interchange and took bus 187 to Jurong to work.During the journey to Jurong,I slept in the bus as very tired.

When I reached 7-11,it's about 2.30pm.When I reached the store,I was like not myself,so moody.Nur also said that today,I look so moody.My boss also asked me and I told her that I going to fall sick.

The whole day,I was like working like 'mad woman'. I ended work at 11.30pm and took bus 187 back home and while in the bus,I sms Jun and Joy that I ended work and really drain out.

I reached home at about 12.30am.It's abit early today as I did not have to wait long for the bus 187.Thank God...

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