05 September 2006

Going CHEC

Going CHEC

Today is Monday and I'm very lazy to wake up as last week, I almost 3 days no present in school as having headache as of the incident on last Monday.

This morning,my 'Daddy',not real called me and woke me up to school.So happi....But after the call,I went back to sleep again.Haha...Then I woke up at 6.55am and started to go bath andfresh up for the day of school.

Haiz...so good for my brother as this week,they are having 1 week holiday,but never mind as after next week,I have 4 weeks of holidays...Wahaha...

Next week,Mon-Thur,I'm having exam so sorri friends if you wana date me out this week and next week,I'm afraid I have to reject you as I wana study and get good grades,as I wana my grade to honour Him.

Today,my lesson ended at 4pm but I left the school at 1.30pm,haha...I jabo class for my last 2 hours of lesson.As I'm not feeling so well,headache again la...Haiz...

At 1.30pm,Tine and I left the school and we went to Jurong East IMM by taking bus 188 to buy paper bag for Teacher's Day present at Daiso.Tine accompany me all along,Thank God for blessing me to have such a wonderful friend.After which,we went to Banguet to have our lunch at IMM.

I ordered western food and the name is called seafood rice and I told the chief that I do not want the tomato sauce and requested other sauce.The chief name called Richard. He said that I can put the white sauce and I asked him is it nice? He told me that nobody had tried before and I can tried and can give feedback after I have eaten.I also ordered the 'soup of the day',cream mushroom and it came with 2 garlic bread. Total it cost me $7.50.I did give feedback to Richard.

Tine went to buy chicken rice to eat and cost her $3.50. After we had our lunch,we went to to IMM shuttle bus to Clementi and took bus 106 to CHEC.

During the bus journey,Tine and I looked at the comic called LOVE MONSTER.I was looking at book 6 & 7 while Tine looked at book 9 & 10.

After I reached CHEC,I passed the present to the receptionist,sis Liza,and chatted awhile and sis Liza said that sis Esther was on leave and asked me want to look for bro Kenny to chat.But bro Kenny was not around in the office so I chatted awhile with sis Tiffany while Tine waited outside the teacher's room with her comic in her hands. Haha...

Sis selena was not there as she went to the Lab.After we left CHEC,we walked to Plaza Sing to purchase drinks and saw my Puchi,Valerie was at the taxi stand smoking, but I did not smoke as I quitted le.Hopefully,it really quit.Haha...Tine treated me $1 Pepsi Gold drink.Thanks Tine for your drink.

After which,we walked to Taka as I can go find Mandy and had a chat with her as quite long no chat with her.Tine accompany me and Tine waited outside the cd shop,'Garmophony' looking at her comic while I went in to chat with Mandy for awhile. After which, we went to took bus 174 to Boon Lay Interchange back home but half-way at Bukit Timah,we alighted and transfered bus 157 back home.

Today,I was very happy as I had bought all the 8 sets of TY Bears at Mcdonald for every purchase of food,you will entitle to purchase it at $3.80 each.Yeah...so happy,I have the full set. Haha...

During the trip back home,I kept telling Tine that I'm very happy as I have the full set. Haha...

I reached home at about 8pm.I had my dinner but I did not finish my dinner as no appieate to eat but I did eat a small potion of the rice.Hee...

While I was eating my dinner,I quickly did my Reflection Journal and sent it to Ms Chin to print it out.Thank Ms Chin for helping us to print out as our school access room,the printer was like spoilt.Haiz...Thanks Ms Chin.

Hopefully,she will teach us next semster.Praying Hard!!!!

After I had finished my things,I did not went to sleep as wanting to study for my RTO Mock Test as later on there is exam.

Think not sleeping tonight.Haha...

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