30 September 2006

Not feeling well

Not feeling well

This morning,I woke up and felt not well as I having abit of fever and heavy flu.

When I online MSN with Tine,I even asked her should I go to work not as not so well but in the end,I went to work as 7-11 short staff.

The whole afternoon,I was feeling tired and wanting to sleep.Thank God,I'm feeling better.Thank God for healing me.God,You are my Healer,my Jehovah Rophe.

Thank God as today I was supposed to sell ice-cream as today ice-cream sale but my boss asked my other collegue to sell.Thank God.I love You,Lord.

Today at work,I hurt my right hand and twisted my right wrist again.Haha...It's old injury for my right wrist.So now have to do things slow when I'm using my right hands.but thank God for healing fast as when I tried to move my right hand to do things fast,it did not really hurt that much.Okie la...abit pain but still can endure lol...No worries...

I work till 11.30pm and walking to bus 187 to take my bus back to Woodlands and when I was walking towards the bus-stop,I saw bus 187 and ran to catch the bus.Thank God,I managed to catch the bus and reached home at 12.40am.

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