10 September 2006

Long Time no write...

Long time no write...

Wow...Since my last entry till now,I have not yet write any as my laptop being taken to repair on Tuesday,5 Sep'06.

P/S: Tine,thanks once again accompany me to take my laptop to repair at HP center.You are my best pal.

During the period,I tried to go back home late as nothing to do at home except study for my upcoming exam.

They called me on Thursday,7 Sep'06 to say that I may go down to collect my laptop.Thank God for speedy repairment.Haha...

On Thursday night,Jun messaged me asking me How's my day? I replied her that not so good, whatever I study all come out and not going in my braincell.She replied me What subjects? I told her Customer Relations and she asked me to bring the text on Saturday and she can run through a good way to learn before our bible study begins.

On Friday,8 Sep'06,after school,I went to take bus 963 to Harbour,the HP center alone as Tine needed to go back to accompany her mother to go Outram for Dentist Checkup.After taking the laptop,I took bus 963 back to Clementi and changed bus 99 back home.

On Saturday,9 Sep'06,I woke up at around 11am,and Jun messaged me asking me the time to meet?3.30pm?I in return messaged her where?She told me Suntec lol,expect crowd through.
She asked me where is the McDonald as she has not been there awhile and I messaged her informing her.

After everything settled,I asked 'Daddy" about the place Suntec is there any crowd,he told me not much crowd.After which,I messaged Jun and told her.

In the end,I was late for meeting Jun as my bus just ran off and I had to walk to Lakeside Mrt station and it was such a hot day.I reached there around 4pm,late for 30 minutes.Jun went for shopping and brought a bag.

After which,we went to McDonald and she coached me,CTR=Customer Relations.She revised chap 1-6 with me in just 2 hours.Thank God for the blessing and understanding.

Before we started our lesson,'Daddy' came and introduced Jun to him.

During the teaching,I was not hungry but Jun kept asking me to eat so in the end,I ate 3 nuggets and 1 fries.Haha...as I did not eat in the morning and afternoon as I was too stress out till not hungry just ate lollipop.Haha...

At 6pm,Jun needed to go off as she needed to go back to see her parents.I stayed there till 'Daddy' knocked off at 9pm.I stayed at McDonald to study for my rest of the chap.7-10.I studied till 8.30pm and packed off and went to look for him and told him that I went for a walk around. I went to Carrefour to buy "Chicken Ham"at $2. And after that went to "Star Factory" to play 'Time Cirises 3' at $1.

After playing it wasabout 9pm and I went down to look for him and waited. After miting him,we went to Kopitam near NTUC Union to had our dinner as I had not eaten.

During the night,I played with JiaJia for awhile before started to study for my exam.I did not sleep the whole night.

On 10 Sep'06,at 6.45am,I called 'Daddy' to wake up as he is going church with me.Thank God for answering my prayer.We mit 7.45am at Lakeside 1st cabin and while we travlled to Chinese Garden,I saw gappy and Emelyn and at Clementi,Law came in and we went to Expo together.

Dear Lord,I thank You for answering my prayer.I was very happy as he came to know You as You are a great God.Although he does not really understand what pastor was talking but I'm glad that during Praise and Worship,You touched his heart.Lord,I prayed that next Sunday,he will make neccessary arrangements to come to know You in a deeper way.In Jesus Name,I pray,Amen.

This was written while I was taking my break from studying for my exam.

Dear Lord,I pray that You will blessed my sis,Esther and Shimin from their sickness.You are our Healer.Lord,I pray that You will remove all their discomfort,Devil,in Jesus name,I bined all that in Your name.In Jesus name I pray for speedy recoverary.In Jesus Name,I pray,Amen.

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