29 July 2006

Charity Walk

Charity Walk

This morning, I woke up at 6.45 am and started to go and prepared to go to the Padang; 政府大厦 for the ‘Charity Walk in colliabliation with the National Day. I mit my sis, Yvonne at Redhill Mrt 1st cabin. When we reached City Hall, we are late but the event started at about 7.30 am. After which, I mit Jun, Andrew and Hiliary at Padang. We walked the red route which was shorter route with the disable people.
After the event which ended at 11 am, Yvonne and I went to Suntec while others went back. We walked and shopping. At about 2.45 pm, we left Suntec and Yvonne went back home while I went to Jun place for cell group. I reached about 3.45 pm.
Yiling today not coming as she was down with flu, Joanne miting her friends at Sentosa, Jocelyn had to work.
Yuting and I were in the cell group and Jun preached the message called 'Prayer'. How to pray?, Areas of our needs (Matthew 6:1-15) and the full Armor of God.(Ephesians 6:10-17). After the cell group, Yuting and I went back. Yuting went to the library while I went back home. Reached home around 9 pm.

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