02 July 2006

After church,going to grandma house

After church,going to grandma house.

This morning,I couldn't wake up as last friday,I went to Esther's birthday chalet and I did not sleep till Saturday,7am and doze off till 10am as have to check-out before 10.30am.

During the trip to Lakeside from Pasir Ris,I slept the whole journey and when I reached home,after I bath,I also went to sleep till around 8 plus and my hp rang and I woke up.After which,I couldn't sleep and I called gap,Joy and Amelyn.After which,I went to buy dinner.After I taken my dinner,I went to sleep again till the next morning,till gap called me @ 6am and I went back to sleep again till my alarm rang and it was 6.45am.I quickly went to bath and prepared myself as miting gap,Esther @ 7.30am @ Chinese Garden 1st cabin.

During my journey to Expo,I slept again.Around 8 plus,Jun messaged me and I was like surprised and shocked.Mit Yiling @ 8.45am @ Hall 9 and we went in to look for Jun as she has to serve.

After the service,Jun,Yiling and I chatted for a while before going off.Andrew & Jun went to take cab while Yiling & I went to take train.Yiling went back home while I went to grandma house.

I reached grandma house @ 1.15pm and had my breakfast and lunch together.

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